The legal phrase, in absentia, is Latin for "not present, away." Therefore, when a parent is "in absentia," it is very hard to get child support. In some states, it is even hard to get a divorce if the other partner cannot be served with a notice of the divorce hearing. So, what happens when you need child support and the parent is in absentia? It looks something like this.
Ruling Made for Child Support
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Traditionally, wills aren't validated until after their creators have already passed away. However, it is possible to validate a will while a person is still alive. Here's more information about the process and why you may want to go through the trouble of getting a court to recognize the validity of your will before you die.
Avoid Legal Challenges
The top reason why you'd want to have your will validated while you're still alive is to prevent people from challenging it after you're gone.
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If you owe more money than you can afford to pay, you are probably getting frequent phone calls and letters from bill collectors. If that were not enough, your failure to pay rent or your mortgage payments could mean threats of losing your home. There are few more effective means of eliminating these threats than the automatic stay. This legal stop is only available with the filing of chapter 7 bankruptcy, so read on to learn more about this powerful form of financial relief:
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There is a constant tension between Caucasians and African Americans, so much so in fact that any case that has one white and one black person involved is suddenly seen as an issue of race versus race. It is highly unlikely that every case that involves two or more races is a "race case," but it still helps to employ a civil rights attorney. Here are some valid reasons why:
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Employees who have been injured at the work place are usually entitled to worker's compensation. Luckily most employers carry workers compensation insurance to cover wages lost, medical bills, compensation for permanent injuries, and benefits paid to the survivors of someone killed on the job. But it's not limited to sudden accidents. It can also be injuries sustained over a long period of time. But what injuries or illnesses are covered by worker's compensation and which ones are not?
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