Avoiding Car Accidents This Holiday Season

According to Forbes.com, the most dangerous day for drivers is Thanksgiving Day. New Year's Eve is another potentially deadly day to be on the road. With the holiday season right around the corner, it is a good idea to take extra care while behind the wheel. Read on to brush up on some tips for staying safe and avoiding car accidents. Mind the Weather One of the reasons that the cold-weather seasons might be more treacherous is that black ice, snow and sleet might be present. Read More 

Did You Slip And Fall At The Grocery Store? Here’s What To Do Next

Did you slip and hurt yourself at the grocery store? You don't just have to deal with your injury on your own. There is financial help available to pay for your medical bills, lost wages if you have to miss work, and even money for your pain and suffering. If you fell at the store, you are probably at least a little bit injured, even if it is only bruises. Bruises will make you sore, and if the fall was due to negligence on the part of the store, you shouldn't have to be sore. Read More 

As A Freelancer, Do You Qualify For Social Security Retirement Benefits?

As a freelancer, you may be wondering whether or not you'll qualify for Social Security retirement benefits upon reaching the age of retirement. The answer to that question is you absolutely will, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements set forth by the Department of Social Security. Read on to learn what those requirements are. You Must Have Worked For A Certain Length Of Time Social Security utilizes a credit system. Read More 

7 Ways To Protect Yourself If You Have To Undergo An Independent Medical Examination

If you recently filed a lawsuit related to an auto accident, the defendant's attorney may ask you to submit to an independent medical examination (IME) to determine the extent of your injuries. Don't let the word "independent" fool you; this type of exam is conducted by a physician of the defendant's choosing, so the examiner may not be all that impartial. If you are concerned about the results of your IME, here are seven ways to protect yourself. Read More 

2 Ways To Damage Your Workers Compensation Claim

Nothing is more embarrassing than getting hurt at work. Not only do you have to deal with the jeers of your coworkers, but it can also be scary to report problems to upper management and file a worker's compensation claim. Unfortunately, although you might have the best intentions, some people make mistakes that can hurt their ability to collect compensation for injuries that weren't their fault. Here are two ways that you might unintentionally damage your worker's compensation claim, and what you should do to streamline your case. Read More