How To Tell When You Have A Strong Food Poisoning Case Against A Restaurant

You have probably heard that food poisoning cases are difficult to win. If you developed food poisoning after dining at a restaurant, you are probably wondering whether it's worthwhile to pursue your case. Consulting an injury attorney can help you determine the worth of your case. However, these three factors can give you a rough idea on the strength of your claim: You Can Prove It Proof of injury and liability is an integral part of any injury lawsuit. Read More 

What If Your Workers’ Comp Benefits Are Ended Before You Expected?

After being approved for workers' compensation benefits, there is still a possibility that your benefits will not be fully paid. It is possible for the insurance company to end your benefits. If this happens, you could be left without the financial and medical support that you need. If you are on workers' comp, here is what you need to know.   Why Would the Insurance Company Stop Your Benefits? There are several possible reasons that an insurance company could end your benefits. Read More 

Protecting Your Rights After An Auto Accident

Getting behind the wheel of a car places you at risk of being involved in an auto accident. In the event that you are involved in an accident, there are some simple things that you should do in order to protect your right to seek financial compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. Here are three specific things that you should do after you are involved in an auto accident to ensure that you don't compromise a potential personal injury lawsuit in the future. Read More 

Starting Your Career As a Personal Trainer? Five Ways to Protect Yourself from a Lawsuit

As a personal trainer, you have the opportunity to help people change their lives for the better as they start the journey to greater fitness. Part of your business, however, should be making sure that you do all you can to reduce your personal liability for any injuries that your clients might face. Here's how you can conduct your business while protecting yourself from becoming responsible for any damages in a personal-injury case. Read More 

Pulled Over For A DUI? Here’s What Happened & How Your Job Security May Be Impacted

There's no doubt about it—people make mistakes. Some mistakes, however, can cause what seems like a never-ending, gloomy downward spiral that begins in a state of oblivion and wreaks havoc on the person's job stability... like getting pulled over one night while intoxicated from alcohol. If you have been pulled over and charged with a DUI recently, you may be wondering about what happened that fateful night and questions about your future job security, especially since a DUI conviction can be expensive. Read More